
Dam Nation Life is a metaphorical place, more a mindset, culture
and lifestyle than a Geo Political Boundary. Consider a community in the shadow
of a Dam, which is holding back the power of Nature. There are those who would
choose to live in this place; willingly risk living here
because risk is inherent in this life. Since risk cannot be avoided, it is

 Those that live in this Nation in the shadow of the Dam
acknowledge what living in this place means:

It means every morning that the dam holds back the water
will be a Dam Good Day, something to be grateful for and not taken for granted.

It means that if the Dam does start to leak, everyone
regardless of wealth, background or ability steps up to contribute to the community and focuses on getting to Dam Work.

To live in Dam Nation means the acceptance that everyone is on a different path in life and do not expect others to be Dam Perfect.

It means that people are willing to take a Dam Risk in order to make a Dam

To live in Dam Nation means responsibility and accountability are emphasized and it’s time to Stop with the Dam Lies.

It means that respect and honor are important, and it’s
time to Stop with the Dam Hate.

 If people mean something to you, it's Dam Time to express it, because the Dam may not hold tomorrow.

 While 'cool' may be determined by material or labels, 'Dam Cool' is determined by reputation which has withstood the test of time. Be Dam Cool.